Think Justice,

Lead the World.

Nurturing the leaders of our future and advocating an all-round Justice education since 2014.

Based in the Sinchon campus of Yonsei University, the Justice and Civil Leadership major has been providing students with an all-round justice education since 2014 as a part of the Underwood International College (UIC). The Justice and Civil Leadership major specializes in juridical and governmental studies aimed at nurturing the future leaders who “think justice, and lead the world.”

Whether you aspire to contribute to the legal system or make your voice heard in the United Nations General Assembly, the Justice and Civil Leadership major will exceptionally serve all your educational needs.

Contact Us

85 Songdogwahak-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 21983, Republic of Korea

“Social justice thought and action weaves itself throughout world history, working as a counterpoint to humankind’s unfortunate propensities for greed, power and physicial and economic violence.

– From What is Social Justice? by Stephen Bales, addressed in the course Social Justice: Theory, Policy and Law

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We are eager to help each and every student, alumnus, and applicant of the Justice and Civil Leadership program. If you have any inquiries, please click on the button below to easily contact our student council.