We need a new generation of leaders to explore and implement the elusive concept of ‘justice’—an abstraction that dominates twenty-first-century conversations in law, business, government, global relations, and society. Educating these leaders is the goal of the Justice and Civil Leadership major.

Does responsibility for climate change lie with developed or developing countries? Should corporations be prevented from influencing democratic governance? Must K-Pop or sports stars that promote the nation also perform military service? How do we balance global priorities for social justice with state sovereignty? JCL graduates will play a role in answering such questions as lawyers, business leaders, politicians, diplomats, civic leaders, and engaged citizens.

To foster those graduates, the JCL major immerses students in a curriculum that integrates law, philosophy, and politics, taught by a diverse faculty who unite these fields and encourage discussions that challenge conventional normative and empirical wisdom. Instead of isolated instructions in each subject, our courses deliver a transdisciplinary education and superior understanding of the meaning and role of ‘justice.’

This journey is challenging, but students emerge with the flexible thinking skills demanded by twenty-first-century careers. They learn to analyze, not merely describe, to originate theoretical and empirical research projects, to articulate and defend ideas in discussions, debates, and presentations, and to become leaders in their professions.

With the JCL’s theoretical and practical training, our students are ready to distinguish themselves in competitive arenas where precise, creative, and swift thinking, along with verbal and writing skills, outrank compartmentalized knowledge. Predictably, our graduates are pursuing careers in the most challenging fields,  including law, business, international organizations, and academia.

The JCL is a stimulating and inspiring major but not an easy one. However, professors do not expect students to enter ready-made to succeed. Our role is to cultivate your abilities in a supportive, encouraging environment. Fellow JCL students—a small but collegial group—share the challenge with you.

We look forward to seeing you in the JCL.

Cogito Justitiam, Duc Mundum.

‘Justice’ is an elusive concept, but one at the forefront of twenty-first-century dialogue in law, business, government, and society.

Professor Joe Phillips gives a greeting message on behalf of all JCL members.

Joe Phillips, JD, PhD

Associate Professor, Justice and Civil Leadership program

What our students think.

Our proud member Hogyun Ryu talks about the Justice and Civil Leadership major, as our honored professor Joe Carroll Phillips answers some further academic questions.